New studies show hearing loss on the rise...
Nov 8, 2024
6 min read
Until recently, hearing loss has traditionally been considered to be an age-related condition. However studies show that hearing loss is beginning to affect all ages and is predicted to increase drastically in the next 40 years.

That's a lot of people!
Currently, 360 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss. By 2050 that number is predicted to increase to 700 million. Here in the US, the number of Americans with hearing loss is expected to increase from nearly 44.1 million adults in 2020 to 73.5 million by 2060.
What is causing the global increase in hearing loss?
The most notable causes for the rising trend in hearing loss include demographic changes related to global population growth and improved life expectancy.

Always wear ear protection in loud environments!
Additionally, sensorineural hearing loss, caused by damage to the hair cells in the inner ear, is considered the major pathway to permanent hearing impairment. Because of the lack of education on proper hearing protection and noise exposure, sensorineural hearing loss is projected to increase drastically.
What can I do to prevent hearing loss for me and my loved ones?
Some quick changes you can make to prevent hearing loss in your life and loved ones are:
*Wear hearing protection
*Avoid exposure to loud noises
*Wear earplugs
*Have your hearing tested regularly
*Educate your friends and family

Only you can prevent hearing loss!
Like my friend Smokey the Bear says "Only you can prevent forest fires". Let's all do our part to stop the spread of hearing loss!
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