How to Persuade a Loved One to Try Hearing Aids

Watching a loved one struggle with hearing loss can be pretty difficult for the family. When you lose some or all of your hearing, it will affect how you live your life, what you are able or willing to do, depending on the level of hearing loss that you have.

It is thought that over 42% of people over 50 have some hearing loss level, which increases to over 70% over the age of 70. Although hearing loss can happen at any age, it is more common for those in their senior years to find their hearing is impacted.

If you know someone close to you who has hearing loss, but they won’t seek help, how can you convince them to wear a hearing aid?

Know the Facts

Hearing aids come in various styles and sizes and can be extremely discreet. Knowing what is available on the market, for example, the capabilities of hearing aids, how the fitting process works and any special features the hearing aid might have, such as Bluetooth.

Discuss the Cost

Cost is another factor people weigh when trying to determine whether hearing aids are right for them. It’s important to remind your loved one that devices come in an array of styles and sizes – with features to match – and all of these can impact the pricing. This means you can work with an audiologist to find the right device that meets your lifestyle and budget needs.

Hearing aids typically have a lifespan of around five to seven years, and when you consider how much they will be used, they can suddenly seem like an excellent investment. Discussing this with an audiologist can give you a better insight into the costs for both the appointments before and after fitting and the price of the hearing aids.

Talk About the Impact of Hearing Loss

While it can be beneficial to keep emotions out of conversations and stick to the facts, they must know how hearing loss affects them and those around them. From your point of view, talk about any changes you have noticed in their daily lives and habits and the effect this is having on the immediate family too. They might not know that their hearing loss is affecting the people around them.

Ask Them for Their Owners

It is no good just hitting the talking points without asking if there is any reason why they won’t wear a hearing aid. If you want to help, you need to know the reason behind their hesitancy. And if they share this information, you need to be as sympathetic as possible and understand where they are coming from.

It could be the visual aspect of wearing a hearing, to which you can discuss the invisible-to-the-eye hearing aids available. It can be that they are scared about the sudden increase in noise levels, which will allow you to inform them that hearing aids are programmed at a suitable level for increased comfort after fitting, so you are happy with the sound level.

Be There to Help Them

It can be an overwhelming experience for some discussing health concerns and seeking appropriate treatment. However, being there to support them can make all the difference. Let them know you will be there to help with asking questions, explaining what is happening and generally being a pillar of support in any way you can help.

Be on Their Side

Remember, you are doing this to help them. So, remain on their side and discuss the benefits and how hearing aids can help them improve their quality of life. After all, you want what is best for them. Avoid forcing the issue and talk about hearing aids and the process in a positive light in a gentle manner to avoid exerting negative pressure and associations, which can have the opposite effect.

Consult an Audiologist

Another great tip is to talk through your concerns with an audiologist who can advise you on the right approach for your loved one and help you learn as much as you need to so you can share the benefits of hearing aids and learn more about the process of having them fitted.

Hearing aids are unique to the wearer, and each person will have a different experience and result that is personalized to their needs to improve their hearing and quality of life. At Natural Hearing Centers, we can help you. Call us at (888) 221-9156 to find out more.