Tag: hearing loss and mental health

young child holding hand to ear

Can Hearing Loss Impact Your Sense of Taste and Smell?

April 30, 2024

Have you ever wondered if hearing loss could impact your sense of taste and smell? It might seem like a strange question, but it’s something that audiologists have had to consider. Our senses are intricately linked in a complex network that can be affected by various factors, including hearing loss. Living with compromised hearing might […]

anxious looking woman holding a hand to ear

The Stages of Hearing Loss: Early, Moderate and Severe

February 28, 2024

Hearing loss can be a difficult condition to recognize yourself when it begins, with minor accompanying symptoms like adjusting the television volume a little too frequently or missing a couple phone calls. It’s a gradual process that moves through distinct stages: early, moderate and severe. Each stage comes with its unique challenges and needs strategies […]